
April 29, 2010

8 1/2 by eleven Show Opening NIght

On the evening of April 24th, something truly great happened in our small gallery. We were blown away by the amount of entries into our 8 1/2 by eleven group show. It was our plan to open up the Fresno art world to the masses and we were more then stoked on the outcome. The gallery was packed, the vibe was good and it lasted till 11pm. Thank you to all of the artists, all who came out, all who support us and all who purchased works that night. It shows us that we are moving in the right direction. We were given an energy that night which will keep us going....

Thank you to Boogie for the photos.

April 24, 2010

8 1/2 by eleven Show

Tonight is the night to welcome and celebrate the great turnout of over 70 submitted works.
Iron Bird Cafe will be represented and coffee served.
Come party with great people who support the arts in our Chinatown.

April 5, 2010

8 1/2 by eleven Group Show

Nihon Gallery Presents

the 8 ½ by eleven show

Saturday, APRIL 24

This show is OPEN for submissions from ANYONE and EVERYONE.

The rules are simple; the piece you choose to submit, has to measure 8 ½” by 11”, which is the standard size for printer paper, or most notebooks. What you choose to submit is up to you, the artist; drawings, paintings, photography, collage, anything! And the way you choose to frame it, is also up to you; only the actual piece of art has to measure 8 ½”x 11”, size of the frame is up to the artist.

Up to 2 submissions from each artist.

Work has to be framed and ready to hang, or we WILL put a fat nail through the middle of your work.

Print out the image slip above and attach on back for ease of mind.
All pieces must have a submission slip glued/taped/stapled to the back of the piece.(submission slip=name, number, price)
We’d hate for you to lose your piece and we’d hate to have to throw it away at the end of the show

All work has to be dropped off at Nihon Gallery on;

Friday April 16, 5-8pm
Saturday, April 17, 12-4pm